Equator Crossing

These photographs were taken during the USS Calcaterra's August, 1965, and the USS Thomas J. Gary's August 1966 ceremonies. Click on image for larger view.

Click on the image to read the "Subpoena"
L- R  Micky Bruni, ET-3, Harry Forhan, DK-2, USS Thomas J. Gary,  DF 66-67.  What's Harry holding in his hand??   Click on image for larger view.    It's still hard to see, but check out Harry's smile.
Micky Bruni as "Micky P. Mason, Attorney at Law".  USS Thomas J. Gary,  August, 1966. Click on image for larger view.
Click on image for larger view of an almost "Shellback" being dressed  in 3 day old trash (garbage). USS Thomas J. Gary, August, 1966.